How to take care of your dentures

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Dentures are a great solution for a natural-looking smile; yet they require special care to maintain this effect. Fortunately, denture care is very similar to how natural teeth are maintained.


Various types of dentures are available depending on your needs:

  • Standard dentures 
  • Precision dentures 
  • 3D-printed dentures 
  • Implant-retained dentures


While each one is different, they all require similar care.


Taking care of your dentures: a daily routine

Dentures work just like your natural teeth. It’s therefore essential to take care of them every day. First, dentures have to be brushed to avoid plaque and tartar build up, exactly like natural teeth. 



They then need to be soaked in a lukewarm solution. It’s best to use denture cleaners, many of which are available in stores. Other cleaning products can be purchased from your denturist at the clinic. In both cases, the goal is to soften plaque and tartar, making them easier to remove by brushing.

Important: dentures equipped with metal clasps should be soaked in a solution specifically designed for this type of prosthesis.



Continue to visit your dentist and denturist every year

Annual visits to your dentist and denturist are still necessary for those wearing conventional or implant-retained dentures. Remember that your mouth is constantly changing, regardless of your age.

By visiting your denturist every year, they can ensure that your dentures always fit your mouth. They can also make any necessary adjustments.

Moreover, people who wear dentures remain at risk of developing diseases that may affect their gums or remaining natural teeth. Your dentist is there to make sure that your mouth stays healthy. If a problem does arise, your denturist, in collaboration with your dentist, will be able to adjust your dentures and thus provide you with the best possible care.

Are you looking for a denturist you can trust for new dentures or to adjust those you already have? Contact Sourire Candiac Denturologistes to book an appointment. Our team is looking forward to hearing from you!
